Gym Tutorial

Leg Day:

Though leg days are universally disliked in the fitness industry, it's just as important to train the lower half of your body as it is your top half. A leg day will provide many Benefits for example more calories will be burnt during your workout and it can help raise your testosterone. In addition, it will give you a good balance to your physique.

1. Squats

The squat should always be included in any leg workout you do. It is widely regarded as the best leg exercise. Not only does it target a huge amount of muscle groups in your legs but it also helps your core too.

a woman performing a squat with a barbell


  • Make sure you have enough core strength to keep yourself stable.
  • Aim to get as low as possible to the ground to maximize the activation of muscles being used.
  • Find a stance position that feels comfortable for you. Most people tend to be around shoulder width apart.

2. Hack Squat

The hack squat is a different variation of the squat, but the principles are the same. The main difference is that it is a machine and not free weight. This means there is less risk of injury and accidents.

a man using a hacksquat machine


  • Place your body against the machine and keep it firmly in place.
  • Drive the pushing motion through your heels.
  • Try to go as low as possible to increase muscular activation.

3. Leg Press

The leg press is a great exercise for those who are not comfortable enough to perform squats, as it keeps you firmly in place and you only use your legs to move the weight. Simply use your legs to push the weight up and then bend your knees to lower it towards you.

a woman using leg press machine


  • Keep hands on the side to stabilize yourself and focus on legs.
  • Don't fully lock out your legs as this can cause injury.
  • Use a variety of feet positions to change up the targeted muscle group.