Gym Tutorial

Pull Day:

Opposite to a push day, a pull day will primarily use your biceps and back to pull weight down to you or up towards you. You can also use a variety of body weight exercises too. A good pull day should contain more than one back exercise as it is a large body part. Check below for 3 simple pull day exercises!

1. Pull Up

A pull up is one of the most effective body weight exercises an individual can perform, it targets the lats, traps, rhomboids and also partly the biceps. Simply find a bar where you can hang from without your feet touching the floor. Then try and pull yourself to get your chin over the bar.

a man performing a pull up


  • Use a different grip or seated lat pulldown machine if you're struggling with your body weight.
  • Keep your core tensed so that your legs do not swing.
  • Attempt to bring your chin over the bar for a complete lat contraction.

2. Barbell Row

The Barbell row is another great compound exercise that hits both the upper and lower back. Keep your legs slightly bent and lean over like you're performing a bow. Then bring the bar up to your chest.

a woman performing a row


  • Keep your back straight to prevent injury.
  • Bring the bar down below the knees and pull up to the chest for a full contraction.
  • Can be performed with an overhand or underhand grip, whatever is more comfortable for you!

3. Bicep Curl

The bicep curl is one of the most popular gym exercises done by bodybuilders; it can be performed with dumbbells or a barbell and is very easy to do. Simply use a curling motion to bring the weight to the top of your shoulders and back down again to your hips.

a man curling dumbbells


  • Try and prevent swinging the weight up as this works your shoulders, not your biceps.
  • Squeeze at the top of the lift for maximum contraction.
  • Bicep curls can be done in a variety of ways; get creative!